
Topic: UK conversion for USA Worsted Weight - Medium 4

Originator: lindadhnorman  Date: 11-Feb-14 06:33

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Post: Submitted by - lindadhnorman  Date: 11-Feb-14 06:33

Hello, I'm an American that is now living in Sweden. I am having hell finding the same thickness (and softness) of yarn that I'm used to in the USA. So I'm trying to find similar in the UK. I've seen a lot of promising yarns on this site but am unsure of which one would best match the Worsted Weight- Medium 4 yarn we have in the usa.

I've linked one of the yarns I'm used to the in USA.

Can anyone recommend a yarn on this site that would be similar? Or at least tell me what keywords in the yarn to look for so I can find a similar match.


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Post: Submitted by - lindadhnorman  Date: 11-Feb-14 06:35

I should say this yarn usually uses a size 5 to 5.5 mm crochet hook. :)

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